Dear Edwar=
Spring has sprung, and we're excited =
about the events and trainings we'll be hosting in the next few months. We =
hope we'll be seeing you either in person or virtually soon!
The NC3 Team
2022 NC3=
National Signing Day
This event is an exclusive NC3 Leadership =
School membership benefit, and our team =
is looking forward to supporting schools as they shine the spotlight on the=
ir incoming students, the future workforce.
If you have questions about NC3 National S=
igning Day, please contact Jeff Nielsen.
NC3 Trai=
n-the-Trainer Events
Join NC3 this spring and summer at on=
e of our in-person training events below.
Can’t travel? View our virtual trai=
ning events HERE.
If you have any questions about NC3 Train-=
the-Trainer events, please contact Haley Lechner.
2022 NC3=
Annual Leadership Summit
Dates: July 20-21, 2022
Location: Gateway Technical College in Kenosha, WI
If you have questions about this upcoming =
event, please contact Ashley Adams.
NC3 Train-the-Trainer Spotlight=
Each month, Ȁ=
c;we will be showcasing=
00c; a different NC3 Ȁ=
c;Train-the-Trainer class. This =
200c;month, we're featuring our Tools at Height certification.
The Snap-on Tools@Height Certification enables students to acquire the capabilities essenti=
al for identifying hazards and preventing accidents when performing work =
x201c;at height.” The situational awareness skills and knowledge of =
safe workplace practices are TOOLS FOR LIFE that can help to avert costly d=
amage to equipment and injury to others.
Dates: <=
span style="font-size: 14px;">April 28 - 29, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET =
Location: TCAT Elizabethton
For more information about this upcoming t=
raining, please contact Haley Lechner. ForȀ=
c; information about the Sn=
ap-on Program, please contactȀ=
c; Fra=
nk van den Berge.
New Leadership Schools=
NC3 Monthly Achievement: School=
on the Rise
Congratulations to Pinellas Technical College for being chosen as NC3’s March 2022 Sch=
ool on the Rise!
Pinellas Technical College (PTC) has =
been an NC3 Leadership School since 2015. PTC’s Clearwater and St. P=
etersburg campuses offer impressive certifications for Festo, Snap-on Autom=
otive, Greenlee, and Trane. They also participate in NC3 National Signing D=
NC3 Staff Spotlight: <=
/span>Customer Success and Engagement Coordina=
This month, we're excited to introduce Grace Henrichs. In her role at NC3, Grace spends her d=
ays setting up instructors with exams after training and assigns NC3 certif=
ications to their schools once their exams are completed. Since joining NC3=
in December, Grace is proud there are now over 200 schools teaching new ce=
Click here to learn more about Grace, what people would never guess she does in her=
role, what her favorite project has been while working at NC3, what superp=
ower she wishes she had, and more!
New LEEPS Certifications: Fabrication 1 & 2 =
NC3 is proud to announce that we are offer=
ing brand new Fabrication 1 & 2 certifications for the first time ever =
at our Virtual Train-the-Trainer event taking place April 25 - 29, 2022!=
a0;The training for these new certifications will be held virtually every d=
ay Monday, April 25 through Friday, April 29 from 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time.=
xa0;The cost of the training is $695. Click here to learn more.<=
NC3 Is Speaking at ASEE Industry 4.0 Workforce Summit=
NC3 is honored to participate in this=
year's American Society for Engineering Education's (ASEE) Industry 4.0 Wo=
rkforce Summit! NC3 Executive Director, Roger Tadajewski & NC3 Board Me=
mber, Dr. Lee Lambert are presenting on April 25 on the "Academic & Ind=
ustrial Collaboration to Prepare the Engineering and Technical Workforce" P=
North Monterey County High School Announces Its First C=
ohort of Students to Receive NC3 Certifications
North Monterey County High School (NM=
CHS), an NC3 Leadership School, is proud to announce its first cohort of hi=
gh school students to receive NC3 industry-recognized certifications. North=
Monterey County High School’s CTE program is a part of the Mission =
Trails ROP JPA. NMCHS students are now receiving NC3 and Festo Certifi=
cations in Mechatronics.
Dallas College: Cedar Valley Campus 'Sunsational News'<=
Dallas College: Cedar Valley Campus r=
ecently launched Sunsational News, a newcast where they celebrate the amazi=
ng students in progress at the Cedar Valley Campus.
Waubonsee Open House & Signing Day
Snap-on and NC3 were happy to have had the opportun=
ity to participate in and support the Automotive/CTE Open House at Waubonse=
e Community College (WCC) in Sugar Grove, IL this month. 425 high school st=
udents and over 40 of WCC's current students visited the open house to lear=
n more about careers in the automotive industry as well as other CTE fields=
. The student response was very positive, and over 30 students signed lette=
rs of intent to join Waubonsee's Automotive Program.
Questions about NC3 Certifications?
Questions about NC3 Membership?